Actions for a change!


Human development begins by promoting actions for change, which also have an impact on and favor the environment. We focus on this level to improve human capacities in different areas of development, linking the social aspect and environmental awareness without neglecting the economic factors.

The actions for change of the Chaka program are dedicated to educational support, providing:

Actions for change - Education

1. Uniforms: We provide students with a school uniform to wear every Monday. This act imposes discipline and prevents discrimination among young people. The uniform is renewed every year.

2. Shoes: We provide children and young people with low-top and sports shoes, helping to increase their confidence and self-esteem, on the other hand, avoiding diseases due to direct contact with the ground or stagnant water. Additionally, it allows you to perform sports activities with greater skill and confidence. Teachers instruct students to keep their feet clean in any type of footwear.

3. School supplies: We believe, and most of us know, that having books and study materials are essential to obtain satisfactory learning results. The delivery of school material has allowed young people to learn in a more appropriate way, allowing continuous and effective development, and meeting the learning goals set. The lack of materials is one of the factors that forced young people to drop out of school in previous years

4. Internet Recharges: Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to use the Internet to access virtual classes through a computer, tablet, or phone. A teacher who helps the children with her homework is currently lending us a computer. The approximately 20 children and young people can do their homework and send the results to their teachers.

5. Homework supervision: This is a support workshop where students receive active assistance with their homework and proper guidance to deepen the knowledge learned. With a guided method, they can develop skills such as autonomy, language, logical-mathematical thinking, reading, writing, tracing, spatial location, and research without losing sight of the objectives of the educational system. (3 hours daily mornings/afternoons from Monday to Friday with 1 monitor)

6. Lunch: Lunch in our program becomes the main meal in the daily diet of children and adolescents with high levels of malnutrition. We give them one meal a day to reduce the problem of malnutrition so that young people can pay attention during school hours to actively follow the tasks. With lunch on weekdays, we aim for children to eat healthy, high-fiber foods at least once on these days.

  • Hygiene measures to prevent infectious
  • Knowledge of the most harmful chemicals
  • How to purify water for domestic use

Actions for change - Community

7. Social Activities: Social activity as a concept has evolved to the point of being considered a fundamental element in the development of every human being, and even more so, committed among young people. Let's not forget that healthy leisure time is a basic human right that everyone should have access to. For this and other reasons, we try to include in our programming, activities such as visits to swimming pools, community outings, and visits to museums. Exhibitions, theaters, cinemas, small parties, etc.

8. Community activities: Involving young people in the community means for them the opportunity to organize and learn to create, produce, evaluate, and solve their problems, through solidarity and mutual respect. Some activities are:

  • Visit people with disabilities
  • Visit the elderly

The Chaka Program has been operating in the Shuar Kumpas Community for 13 years. These actions for change, it has been possible to appreciate that with a small contribution for these children and young people, suitable results are achieved. The achievement reached in these years is to see how the young people of the Kumpas Community are 90% integrated into the school system. It was not the case in 2008 when only 10 and 15% of the young people studied.

If you want to be part of this initiative and support these actions for change, you can share this information on social networks and encourage more and more people to support education for all, or make your donation by contacting us.

Learn more about of which has contributed to different programs in FAP.

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