During 2022, thanks to the contributions received, we reached one thousand trees planted in the San Antonio de las Aradas parish, Loja, headquarters of our “Adopt a tree” project.
Next, we review the history to arrive at this great number.

The fire in the San Antonio de las Aradas parish in 2019 is the genesis of our “Adopt a Tree” project, whose objective is to restore the forest by planting native trees in the area.
Fundación Amazonía Productiva, from this moment on, has looked for different ways to obtain the necessary funds to plant the trees in said area.
Adopting, giving, honoring, or commemorating a loved one by planting a tree is one of the ways to support the project. Another way is to offer companies, organizations, ventures, or anyone the to plant trees to offset their carbon footprint.
The contributions received from private companies and different enterprises have been fundamental to FAP and one of the great reasons why we reached one thousand trees planted. To Alibu, Responsible Travel Ecuador, Erika Lombeyda Sustainable Jewelry, who have been collaborating with us for several years; Niubox y Servicios del Ecuador Serec Cía. Ltda., who joined last year, we extend our gratitude to them for trusting Fundación Amazonía Productiva and its “Adopt a Tree” project.

Responsible Travel Ecuador tourism operator deserves a separate mention, which in addition to being the organization that has been with the "Adopt a Tree" project from day one, the services it offers ensure that its clients include the planting of a tree to offset the carbon footprint of the trip, and in this way, they contribute to our project.
Actions like these give us the conviction to continue in our environmental cause.
It is for this reason that this year we have awarded recognition to the agents who contributed the most to our project as a token of gratitude from the Foundation.
These have been incredible years where we have met people and organizations that share our philosophy and legitimately care about the environment, expressing it not only in words but also looking for actions that have an impact on improving the world where we live.
From 2019 to this publication, Fundación Amazonía Productiva has planted 1,055 trees in the area affected by the fire in Las Aradas.
These 1055 trees will mean, in the not too distant future, around 158 tons of CO2 less in the atmosphere.
In addition to the environmental contribution that these trees represent, they mean support for the people of the area, who have found in the "Adopt a Tree" project an economical alternative to support their families, dignifying their lives both socially and personally.
It is worth mentioning that, in 2022, our alliance with the PUCE and its “1 million trees for Ecuador” program allowed us to plant 220 more trees in the surroundings of the D.M. Quito and in turn, add allies such as Puente & Asociados Estudio Jurídico, or reaffirm alliances with Responsible Travel Ecuador, Alibu and Erika Lombeyda Sustainable Jewelry.
The planting days, together with the PUCE, were carried out with the support of the previously mentioned organizations, which selflessly collaborated with the manual work involved in planting a tree.
From FAP we value the time and effort that the participants contributed during the two planting days.
To each of the organizations and people committed to nature, for all the financial and emotional support in these almost four years that our program has existed, we want to extend a special thanks and express out loud:
¡We reached the thousand planted trees!
And in 2023, we will continue working to continue the search for a greener world. We are waiting for you!
Get to know the different organizations that have collaborated with us:
Responsible Travel Ecuador https://responsibletravelsa.com/es/
Erika Lombeyda Sustainable Jewelry https://www.erikalombeydajoyas.com/
Alibú https://alibuecuador.com/
Niubox Ecuador https://niubox.legal/niubox-ecuador-%F0%9F%87%AA%F0%9F%87%A8/
Puente & Asociados Law Firm https://www.puenteasociados.com/
Servicios del Ecuador Serec Cia Ltda https://www.serec-ecuador.com/
Previous notice https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/1881-2/
Homepage https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/