Responsible Travel (RT) joins «one million trees for Ecuador» created by Pontifice Catholic University of Ecuador.
This organization has long collaborated with Fundación Amazonía Productiva as a strategic partner in various projects. On this occasion, Responsible Travel joins the project, ratifying its commitment to the environmental well-being through programs that seek an effective restoration and recovery in all areas of Ecuador.

For several years, RT has contributed to the “Adopt a Tree” program, in order to offset its carbon footprint for the activities it carries out.
Throughout their support for this program, they have to plant more than 600 native trees in the San Antonio de las Aradas area, Quilanga canton, Loja province, representing more than 50% of the specimens sowned by Fundación Amazonía Productiva.
Responsible Travel operator turistic tour, focused on receptive tourism, with a mission to compensate environment impacts produce of their and conscious that our society need green spaces, they have decided through Fundación Amazonía Productiva join this initiative created by PUCE to forest and reforest many places along the country.
We want to extend our gratitude to Responsible Travel, which joins the PUCE project, for the contribution and trust in FAP to execute it.
In the same way, we congratulate the PUCE for continuing to add contributions that allow reaching the long-awaited goal of one million trees for Ecuador.
We encourage to all companies, ventures, and even public to join to this beautiful initiative looking for a country and a world more green/greener.
Learn more about the project at: Or contact us to inform you how can make it by FAP.
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