Productive Amazon Foundation, was created by the ideology of its founders to seek new economic and environmental alternatives for an entire people and that are reflected in the development of the popular economy in each family, in order to achieve progress in the sectors that they have been forgotten.
FAP is an Ecuadorian organization that harmoniously integrates human, economic, and environmental resources in concrete projects and activities, seeking ecologically sustainable and economically viable conditions.
Reforestation, Conservation, Community Development, Fair Exchange, Corporate Social Responsibility, consulting, and training.
Through the implementation of sustainable projects carefully chosen and endorsed by the beneficiaries, strengthening productive chains, seeking personal growth for the beneficiaries, and safeguarding non-renewable resources.
Very easy. You can contribute to a specific project (for more detailed information about our projects please contact us at
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
John Maxwell
FAP was created by the ideology of their founders to seek new alternatives for all people, which are reflected in the development of the popular economy in each family to reach the progress of the less favored areas; without neglecting the management and preservation of natural resources for sovereignty worthy of each of the actors.