Fairtrade and associated marketing is a sustainable alternative for small producers, guaranteeing a market that seeks quality products.

Fundación Amazonía Productiva seeks to improve the productive processes of rural associations with the aim of marketing quality products at a fair price, both for producers and consumers.
Fairtrade seeks to generate an equitable popular and solidarity economy for the entire productive sector of the provinces of Pastaza and Loja, creating spaces where quality products are produced and marketed for both consumers and producers, thus generating local economic development.
The actors that make up the process of fair trade - price are:
A responsible consumer
Partner producers

Other Fair Trade services:
- Community development projects
- Corporate social responsibility
- Counselling and training
Consume responsibly and obtain quality, making sure that the benefits of the sale go back to the producer, thus contributing to the producer or artisan feeding their family, educating their children, and specially remain on their land. Consuming responsible supports the sustainable development of a country and the preservation of the environment. FAP supports producers or artisans who seek their development through clean production and the preservation of their culture.
Kawsana Organic Coffee

San Antonio de las Aradas - Loja - Ecuador. Specialty coffee, pure arabica, with hints of chocolate and vanilla (characteristic smell of this region); admissible acidity and excellent body, with an intense and well-balanced sweetness, sweet and pleasant aftertaste makes it irresistible.
Kawsana Coffee is produced associatively in the Santa Rosa protective forest, in the south-eastern part of the province of Loja, within the Loja-Zamora Biosphere Reserve, under the principle of solidarity economy by the Kawsana Cooperative, formed by producers of coffee whose traditions span generations. The inhabitants of this parish are dedicated to agricultural and livestock work, predominantly growing coffee, which is considered the local economic base. By inheritance, they are unionist, associative and work in minga spirit. Taking advantage of this potential, they have formed the first associative company in the province of Loja, whose goal is to seek fair trade between those involved.
Kawsana Coffee has embarked on a mission with the simple purpose of establishing a direct connection between the farmer and his consumers. There is the conviction that this model will not only improve their economy but also help in the sustainable production of single-origin, organic coffee of the highest possible quality.
Its main objectives are to create jobs, to improve living standards both economically and socially, as well as on a personal level. All this hand in hand with respecting gender equality and equity, caring for the environment, preserving its values, and keeping the organization as its principal axis of development.
Moona Body & Mind
Our brand was born from the call to discover the connection with nature and the empowerment of feminine energy. Thanks to the gifts provided by our mother earth, we make products based on organic and natural raw materials, which allow us to pamper and care for the body, enjoying a rightful sensory and wellness experience.

All our products are handmade by small producers, thus contributing to collaborative family economies whose mission is to contribute to the conservation and care of the planet, as well as to contribute to fair trade among all those who participate directly and indirectly with Moona.
You can visit us at moonabodyandmind.com
Related notice https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/comercio-justo-kawsana-coffee/
News of interest https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/razones-para-apoyar-el-comercio-local/
FAP blog https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/blog/
Who are we? https://fapecuador.org/es_ec/quienes-somos/
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