Farm-to-Table Coffee - Kawsana

Promoting fair trade is one of the areas of intervention of Fundación Amazonía Productiva, supporting small producers, in this case of organic coffee, who take into account sustainability guidelines (economic, environmental care and social well-being) in the elaboration of their products.

"Fair trade is a way of making a conscious decision that allows us a better world"

FAP and the Kawsana Producers Cooperative come together to achieve common objectives, such as fair trade, promoting and selling an excellent quality, organic product produced under the associative system, benefiting small producers from San Antonio de las Aradas, where their main income is based on coffee production.

Café Kawsana has several presentations for its type of roast. Currently, FAP promotes: 

Homemade Coffee: A full-bodied coffee with notes of dark chocolate and light acidity. This type of coffee is roasted to calm the appetite of the most demanding palates with a stronger and more concentrated flavor.

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Specialty Coffee:The best way to start the morning is with the vivid floral aroma of citrus mandarin, blackberries, and floral notes. A medium to high acidity coffee, Breakfast offers you a high caffeine content that will fill your day with a great attitude.

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Premium coffee:at Kawsana Coffe, the best Arabica coffee beans have been chosen by hand, and they have chosen a medium roast to produce a sweet but subtle coffee, with a medium body that has a balance between aroma, acidity, and complexity.

Kawsana coffe

In addition, Kawsana Coffee produces different versions of these presentations. That could be: 

– Kawsana Breakfast: With the lively floral aroma of citrusy mandarin, blackberries and floral notes. A medium to high acidity coffee, Breakfast offers you a high caffeine content that will fill your day with a great attitude. 

– Kawsana Italian: A full-bodied coffee with notes of dark chocolate and light acidity. Our Italian coffee is dark roasted to satisfy the appetite of the most demanding palates, with a stronger and more concentrated flavor.


– Kawsana Full City: Hand-picked the best Arabica coffee beans, medium roasted to generate a sweet yet subtle coffee, medium-bodied with a balance of aroma, acidity and complexity.

From farm to table! Do not miss it!

 ¡Support the Fairtrade!



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