With great excitement and determination, in February 2023, we officially launched our Carbon Offset Initiative! As part of our foundation, we take pride in presenting this reforestation project for offsetting the carbon footprint generated by tourism, which has been made possible thanks to the support of Responsible Travel DMC and the generous funding from the international travel platform KimKim.
The core of our project is implementing a reforestation program to offset the carbon footprint generated by tourists who visit Ecuador through Responsible Travel and Kimkim. This noble task involves planting native species in two different areas, each with its own challenges and opportunities.
The main objective of this initiative is to offset the carbon footprint resulting from the activities encompassing tourism in Ecuador. To achieve this goal, three specific objectives have been established to facilitate the fulfillment of our aim. These objectives are:

Build and equip a nursery and greenhouse in the San Antonio de las Aradas area for the primary production of plants that will be used in the planned reforestation.

Raise awareness and train the San Antonio de las Aradas and La Sierra communities through talks and workshops that enhance environmental awareness.

Plant 2500 trees to offset 416.6 metric tons of carbon emitted by 763 travelers visiting Ecuador through the KimKim travel platform.
In Zone 1, which was affected by a fire in 2019, our purpose is to restore approximately 1400 hectares of forest. To achieve this, we are building a nursery and greenhouse in collaboration with the local educational institution "Lic. Miguel Antoliano Salinas Jaramillo." This nursery will be the heart of our operation, providing the necessary plants to carry out reforestation effectively, in addition to being a crucial support in educating young students pursuing Agricultural Technical High School studies.
In this location, community members who have been hired and trained for this noble task will be responsible for carrying out the planting process. Each plant will be equipped with a biodegradable polymer called Hidrokeeper, que actúa como un guardián del agua y nutrientes, asegurando así el arraigo y crecimiento de las especies.

Our dedicated team will ensure constant monitoring of the plants, and in the event that any of them do not survive, replanting will be carried out to uphold our promise of reforesting these devastated lands. Additionally, for the first 5 years, we will conduct regular clean-ups to ensure proper plant growth by removing weeds and other obstacles.

In Zone 2, located on the wonderful Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos, our challenge is to address the issue of invasive species and uncontrolled livestock. To tackle this situation, we plan to plant endemic species, particularly those from the Scalecia genus. These species, with their unique characteristics, will aid in soil recovery and carbon sequestration from tourist activities on the island, thus protecting its fragile ecosystem.
Passengers with a scheduled visit to this area of the islands in their itinerary will have the opportunity to experience planting their own trees and take a moment to reflect on our environmental impact on the planet.
Project Beneficiaries

The carbon footprint generated by visitors' trips to Ecuador will be offset, combating climate change through tree planting and creating green landscapes.

Travelers who choose Ecuador as their destination will know that they are offsetting their carbon footprint, enriching their adventure experience, and creating a special bond between humanity and nature.

The environment will benefit from the reduction of CO2, purifying the air, and providing a new habitat for various animal species.

The parish of San Antonio de las Aradas will be strengthened through the construction of the nursery and greenhouse, providing quality education and economic opportunities to the community.

The project will restore the landscape and habitat for numerous animal species, transforming into a self-sustaining forest teeming with life.

La Sierra community will benefit by reclaiming green spaces and having an economic alternative that will dignify its residents.
Our Progress
We are excited about the progress of our project! If you want to stay updated on all our news, we invite you to closely follow our updates on our social media and news outlets. We will be sharing regular updates about the project, its positive impacts, and the achievements we have reached.
Furthermore, we invite you to visit the following link for more detailed information about the progress of our project. There, you'll find interesting data, inspiring photos, and testimonials from those who have already experienced the benefits of this initiative.
Join us in this exciting journey towards a sustainable future and don't miss any of our updates!
This project wouldn't be possible without the dedication of our foundation, the collaboration of Responsible Travel, and the generous funding from Kimkim. As a team, we are committed to carrying out this reforestation program with utmost dedication and professionalism to make a real difference in the fight against climate change.
We would love to hear from you and share more details about our project! If you'd like to learn more, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to answer all your questions and provide you with any information you need.

Additionally, if you're interested in being part of a similar initiative or if you're a company looking to offset your carbon footprint, we would also love to collaborate with you. We are open to partnerships and collaborations that promote sustainability and the fight against climate change.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us through or contact us through our social media channels! We're excited to work together and make a positive impact on our planet. We look forward to hearing from you!
We are excited about what we can achieve together. With your support and dedication, we can build a greener and more sustainable future for everyone. Join our Green Initiative and let's make a difference!
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