This year 2021, was a year where we added great allies to our FAP family, as Erika Lombeyda Sustainable Jewelry is now also part of the organizations that adopt trees as a form of carbon footprint compensation. In addition, Alibú and Responsible Travel continued their commitment to the environment, and this year they also planted trees with us. We thank not only the companies but also all the people who fight for change in their homes and are part of initiatives like this. To all of you,
Thank you for being environmental sponsors!
In addition, behind all this, we also have great allies without whom this project could not be possible. We are lucky to have incredible support: the people in the community!
As part of our Adopt a Tree project, it is a crucial decision which trees to plant within the land that we seek to recover. This work is essencial because it will be the future of the fauna in the area, as well as allow the zone an effectively recover the life that once existed.
Although it is not surprising for many, it is essential to point out that the people of the nearby agricultural communities are the most knowledgeable about the endemic species of the area and the impact that these have on the environment in which they grow.
Thanks to the alliance with them, we can decide the species to plant and the area in which it should be planted, considering factors such as:
- Be endemic so as not to affect the ecological balance of the land, ensuring the survival of the tree and recovery of the soil.
- Be fruit trees suitable for both human and animal consumption.
- In areas where there are water sources such as rivers or similar, where the species allow the conservation and retention of the vital liquid.
Each decision made is planned to ensure that we are making a change for the environment and help the Andean forests to regenerate after all the grievances to which they are exposed, mainly due to human causes.
Some of the species planted in San Antonio de las Aradas (“Adopt a Tree” program) are:
Laurel – Laurus nobilis
Higuerón – Ficus luschnathiana
Guabo – Inga edulis
Lalatume – Cedrela fissilis
Subo – Ficus yoponensis
Avocado – Persea americana
Scientists from the University of Oxford have recognized that planting trees is the best method to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and counteract global warming. According to the FAO, a mature tree in South America can absorb up to 150 kg of CO2 per year.
Being part of the "Adopt a tree" program of the Amazonía Productiva Foundation, they support us in the fight against Climate Change and additionally become great allies, which contribute to improving the economy of local families who help us with reproduction, planting and post-planting care of native trees.
If you want to be one of the great allies in this project, do not hesitate to contact us.
Read more about Erika Lombeyda at